Letter From The President

Mike Flint
2008-09 President

Once again, the Northside Athletes Foundation Board of Directors want to thank our generous friends and sponsors. 2009 was another successful year by funding many youth based charities in the Atlanta area. Our Annual NAF Charity Golf Tournament played at Celebrity Golf Club in October was very successful. Celebrity Golf Club will also host this year’s tournament on Wednesday September 9, 2010. We hope you, your friends, and business associates will join us for an enjoyable afternoon of golfing, fellowship, and giving back to our community. Through your support, NAF provides athletic / leadership / coaching programs and neighborhood sports facility improvements.

In 2010 we will continue expanding our support to youth character development in our community. We provide positive environments for our children today so they may be our leaders and model citizens of tomorrow.

It was a pleasure working with all of my friends over the last years as president. The NAF Board of Directors welcomes our 2010 President Bryan Flint to continue NAF’s important contributions.

All the best,


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